Participant: Comune di Canale Monterano
PIC number: 904955487
Project name and acronym: Ways to Innovate and Nurture Genuine Solidarity - WINGS
Event Description
Event number: 1
Event name: International Workshop "Ways for innovative solidarity"
Type: Workshop
In situ/online: in-situ
Location: Italy, Canale Monterano
Date(s): 11-17/04/2023
Female: 154
Male: 143
Non-binary: 3
From country 1 [Malta]: 80
From country 2 [Hungary]: 60
From country 3 [Cyprus]: 70
From country 4 [Italy]: 90
Total number of participants: 300 From total number of countries: 4
WINGS Project was born from the willingness of the Municipality of Canale Monterano and the partners involved to create a good environment for the sharing of opinions on EU based issues, especially after the crisis generated by Covid-19 pandemic. The Project comes also from the willing of the partners to strengthen the relationships with municipalities from the involved European Countries. The Countries involved should bring their experiences related to volunteering, especially for what concerns the volunteering activities during the pandemic. The discussions are going to be based on inclusion and recovery policies, adopted from each different Country.
The crisis, combined with the already existing problems represents a problem that should be solved through cooperation and solidarity among European communities.Sometimes this situations leads to euro-scepticism and lack of trust towards the European Union and to a raising distancing from its fundamental values, which are the promotion of peace among its member, the human dignity, and the fight of the discrimination. In particular, the municipality of Canale Monterano, as well as the rest of Italy, has been affected by the first wave of Covid-19 pandemic, so that it can represent a good starting point to analyses the aforementioned problems. WINGS can be an occasion to select potential solution to this crucial phenomenon and to strengthen the bonds among the participant Countries.
Since the volunteering part is important, the target is going to be represented from young volunteers, NGOs, linguistic, cultural and religious minorities that can concretely be an example of integration aims.
The aims of WINGS were:
-Analysis of the economical, financial, health, cultural and social crisis due to the Pandemic;
-Confrontation of the best practices to solve the problems;
-Involvement of minorities to have a better understanding of the phenomenon;
-Enhancing of of volunteering activities;
-Promotion of solidarity and cooperation.
Report on implemented activities
Day 1: Arrivals
Arrival of the delegates at Fiumicino/Ciampino airport and accomodation in Canale Monterano. Presentation of the official program of the International Meeting. Name Game to introduce the participants. Tour of Bracciano Lake. Welcome party organized by municipality’s volunteers. Results: Team building activities to allow the delegates to become familiar with each other. Presentation of the official program of activities and project’s topics. Direct involvement of volunteers
in the planning and management of activities.
Day 2: Practical Activity: guided research and case study.
Guided research with experts: Talking about solidarity in times of crisis. Case study: EU policies and the response of the EU to international crisis. Visit to Canale Monterano and meeting with volunteering organizations. Results: Guided research and case study involving directly the participants in the discussion over solidarity. Debate and confrontation among EU citizens. Reflection on past crises and their resolution. Best practices exchange.
Day 3: "Stones of Rome"
Ancient Rome tour Colosseum, Fori Imperiali Street, Church of S. Maria in Aracoeli, Church of S. Giorgio al Velabro. Trevi Fountain, Navona Square, Spanish Steps, People's Square. Results: getting acquinted with Italian’s history and traditions, awareness on the values of diversity, integrational moments for the delegates and italian volunteers.
Day 4: Seminar
Presentation of the partners’ municipalities. An overlook on the contexts of political debate during the Pandemic. Cooperation bond among the countries during the pandemic. Visit to the city hall and meeting with the Mayor of Canale Monterano. Visit in the Hermitage of Montevirginio. Results: Allowing the participants to share histories from their communities, intervention of PA and experts, cultural visit to learn more about the territory.
Day 5: Practical activity
The history of the European Union, institutions and functioning. Group work on the topic: “Union's values and aims, why is the Union so important for us? The damage of stereotypes and the value of diversity”. Visit to Villa Adriana in Tivoli.
Results: Enhancement of the awareness of European values, especially solidarity and cooperation.
Reflection on stereotypes and valorization of diversity. Debates and confrontation on the functioning of the European Policy Making process.
Day 6: Workshop
Introduction to EU's policy-making process. Meeting with Mr. Alessandro Battilocchio, member of Italian Parliament and former member of the European Parliament. Media literacy exercitacion and presentation of main eu website were to get reliable information on EU policies ( website, learning corner, EuvsDisinfo). Debate on the “European strategy for gender equality 2020-2025. Agreement on future topics of cooperation.
Results: Confrontation among local and national policies among different EU countries. Enhancement of the citizen’s knowledge about EU policies and actions in the field of cooperation. Direct intervention of experts and public authorities at the EU level and confrontation with the participants. Transfer Media Literacy to citizens of small communities through practical activities. Set up of future cooperation agreement.
Day 7: Departure of delegations
Greetings and gift exchange. Departure of delegations.